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[MARSHALL] TEXAS REPUBLICAN, October 11, 1862, p. 2, c. 4
Fifty Negroes Wanted!
I wish to engage for the Confederate State's service, FIFTY NEGRO MEN aged from eighteen to fifty years, to be employed as cooks and teamsters, for the 7th regiment Texas volunteers, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the following order:
An Act for the Enlistment of Cooks in the Army.
Sec. 1.—The Congress of the Confederate States of America, do enact that hereafter it shall be the duty of the Captain, or commanding officer of his company, to enlist four cooks for the use of the company, whose duty it shall be to cook for such company, taking charge of the supplies, utensils, and other things furnished therefor [sic], and safely keeping the same, subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the War Department or the Col. of the regiment to which such company may be attached. Sec. 3.—And be it further enacted, That the cooks so directed to be enlisted may be white or black, free or slave persons; Provided, however, that no slave shall be enlisted, without the written consent of his owner. And such cooks shall be enlisted as such only, and put on the muster roll and paid at the time and place the company may be paid, Twenty Dollars per month to the Chief or head cook and Fifteen dollars per month for each of the assistant cooks, together with the same allowance for clothing or the same commutation therefor, that may be allowed to the rank and file of the company. Approved April 21st, 1862. Forty of the above negroes will be employed in accordance with the above act, the balance as teamsters in the Quartermaster's department, on the same terms. Those having negroes that they can spare will report promptly to William Bradfield, Marshall, Harrison county, and will assemble them at this place, by the 1st of November, where subsistence and transportation will be furnished them to the regiment. The health of the patriotic soldiers who have so nobly offered themselves in this struggle, for those institutions so dear to us, is essential. To subject those sons who are bearing the brunt of battle to the drudgery of camp when they can be exempted at so little sacrifice to those owning negroes, and can hire them to advantage, is criminal; and it is earnestly expected of the citizens of Eastern and Middle Texas, that this appeal will not be made in vain. The heroic sufferings of the glorious 7th, while in Northern dungeons, should of itself be a sufficient incentive to answer this call. Let us save, if possible, every man to repay ten-fold the indignities heaped upon us by an enemy, whose sold motive is subjugation, the freeing and colonization of our slaves upon our own soil, with all the attendant horrors. Q. D. Horr, A. Q. M. 7th Texas Regiment.
Oct. 11, 1862
Negroes not only served the Confederate army as soldiers but were very desireable as nurses as proven by these newspaper ads.
The Daily Dispatch: April 28, 1862. Free negro nurses wanted. --One hundred male free negroes are wanted immediately, as nurses, at the Winder Hospital, near the reservoir. Applications can be made by the persons referred to at the Provost Marshal's office, corner of Broad and 9th streets. If the parties go willingly, good wages will be paid and kind treatment afforded them. If they do not volunteer they will be impressed, and run the risk of receiving such treatment and pay as is generally awarded under such circumstances. The above nurses are wanted to-day, and we would advise an immediate application on the part of the free negroes to Capt. Samuel Maccubbin, Chief of Police, at the Provost Marshal's office, where they can learn what is desired of them.
The Daily Dispatch: August 13, 1861.
Nobly Done. The Christian Association of Charleston, immediately upon receiving news of the battle of Manassas, called in the assistance of the "Ladies' Auxillary Association," of that city, and together they have accomplished a great deal for their wounded in Virginia. They have sent a large number of boxes, containing nourishment of every description; several thousand garments, new and second-hand; five tierces of rise, and ten colored nurses.--Their freight bills alone have been over three hundred dollars. All this was done in one week. One of the shipments by express cost the onerous amount of $150. The Charleston Associations have made Carolina bonerchence as conspicuous as Carolina borders.
*********** Richmond Dispatch, 1/1/1862, p. 2, c. 7 WANTED TO HIRE –
A few NEGRO MEN, for NURSES, at Georgia Hospital.
Apply to J. T. NEWBERRY, Georgia Hospital, 21st street, between Main and Cary. & nbsp;
Richmond Dispatch, 8/2/1861 , p. 3 WANTED - IMMEDIATELY - Fifteen NEGRO MEN, to serve in the General Hospital at the new Poor-House. Persons who have such servants for hire will please apply at my office, Franklin street , near 7th, at 8 A. M. or at 5 P. M.
CHARLES BELL GIBSON, Surgeon P. A. C. S. in charge of the General Hospital
Richmond Dispatch, 8/12/1861 , p. 2
WANTED - TO HIRE - Three intelligent, reliable NEGRO MEN, as Nurses to sick soldiers, at the Hospital of the Medical College . For those who can come well recommended, a liberal price will be paid. Apply to Dr. JOYNES, Franklin street , above 7th, or to F. M. PARRISH, Steward of the Hospital.
Richmond Whig, 8/14/1861
THE HOSPITALS. - In our visits to the city hospitals, we find that the lack of assistants is quite apparent. In institutions of this kind there should always be a sufficient force of servants to maintain scrupulous cleanliness. We, therefore, earnestly suggest to the Mayor, the propriety of detailing a portion of the free negro force now employed on the fortifications, for this important service. We believe that the assistance, in nursing and attendance, which many of these men could render at the hospitals, would be instrumental in saving the lives of some of our soldiers.
We again urge the removal of the wounded prisoners, as soon as possible, from the General Hospital, in order that our own men, who are entitled to the first consideration, may occupy this airy and commodious building. There are numbers of the Yankees ho could be easily removed, and those badly wounded could be put together in one wing. Until we hear some good objection to this proposition, we shall urge it again and again.
Richmond Dispatch, 5/19/1862, p. 2, c. 2
If not Murder, very like one. – A free negro named William Brown, employed at the C.S. Military Prison as servant to Dr. E. G. Higginbotham, Surgeon of the Post, was shot by a sentinel yesterday morning and instantly killed, while standing near a window in the hospital department of the Prison. The excuse alleged for performing the deed is that the negro was standing near or leaning out of a window, and would not move when ordered. We are informed by Dr. H. that the understanding at the Prison has been that his patients or servants had a right to go to the windows without molestation. The negro could not have leaned very far out of the window, as the bullet entered his back. The affair will no doubt be investigated by a court-martial.
STANDARD [CLARKSVILLE, TX], October 13, 1862, p. 2, c. 2-5 Cady's Hotel, } Columbus, Miss., } Sept. 14th 1862 }
Right here it is proper to mention the information which our negro driver gave us.—He fully participated in all the feelings which the sight of the ground called up, and thought it strange that the enemy should come to drive people from their own homes. He said that as our men charged down the hill into the swamp about 40 carriages & buggies came right after them, the occupants walking right in among the troops, disregarding the fire and picking up the bodies of their dead or wounded friends and carrying them off. He said that Genl. Longstreet finally ordered them back. He said he was employed during the whole time, and some times had two dead bodies at the same time in his carriage.
And other military jobs
Richmond Dispatch, 11/13/1862, p. 1, c. 1 NEGROES FOR RICHMOND. - Two hundred and fourteen negroes, en routs for Richmond, to work on the fortifications near this city, arrived in Lynchburg from Redford county, on Monday, and proceeded directly on to their destination, by way of the South-Side Railroad.
**************** Richmond Dispatch, 11/28/1862, p. 2, c. 4
WANTED – FIVE HUNDRED HANDS. – We wish to hire for the ensuing year five hundred able bodied NEGRO MEN, to be employed by us at our Blast Furnaces, in Botetourt county, and at our Coal Mines, on James river, seventeen miles above this city.
As our works generally are remote from the enemy’s lines, and the negroes are well guarded, we think it greatly for the interest of thos having hands to dispose of to hire them to us.
The negroes will be supplied with the very best provisions, which have already been secured, and good clothing provided for them at all seasons of the year.
Those of whom we have hands hired for the present year will please inform us whether we shall retain these hands at the furnaces until they are re-hired; and if not, to what point they shall be returned, as some of the owners may have changed their places of residence.
Payments for the hire of those hands will be made either at Farmville, Lynchburg, Fincastle, or this city, annually or quarterly, at the option of the owner.
Applications can be made to F. T. Glasgow, Fincastle; Wm. T. Patton, at Clover Dale Furnace; James L. Patton, at Grace Furnace; Wm. Jordan, Alum Springs; John H. Jamieson, Lynchburg; Benjamin Holladay, Frederick’s Hall, Louisa co; James M. Poindexter, Farmville, or the undersigned, at these works.
AMERICAN CITIZEN [CANTON, MS], December 5, 1862, p. 2, c. 5
150 Negro Mechanics Wanted.
To the patriotic citizens of Madison county and vicinity, who desire to aid the Government without sacrifice. The army needs large transportation facilities, and that immediately. The chief Quartermaster, Maj. Mims, at Jackson, urges an immediate and hearty response to this appeal. We want at once one hundred and fifty Negro Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers, for which we are willing to pay you liberal cash prices weekly or quarterly.
V. Werner & Co., "Dixie Works."
DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST [ AUGUSTA , GA ], June 13, 1862, p. 2, c. 4
Wanted, 200 Negro Men!
I am authorised to hire 200 able-bodied Negro men, to be employed by the Confederate States as teamsters. They will be located in the mountains of Western Virginia and Kentucky , the most healthy section of the Southern Confederacy. I will pay $20 per month, and furnish rations and transportation to Virginia , and at the end of their services, back to their homes. No Negro will be employed for a less term than 4 months. I am authorized to employ 4 Wagon Masters, at $60 per month with rations, and 15 Assistant Wagon Masters, at $45 per month; rations and transportation will be furnished. This offers a good opportunity for non-conscripts to prove their devotion to our great cause. Gentlemen having negroes to hire will please communicate with Capt. S. H. Oliver, Assistant Quartermaster, or with myself at the Globe Hotel in this city. J. S. Samuels, Agent, &c., C.S.A.
DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST [ AUGUSTA , GA ], March 18, 1862, p. 2, c. 4
100 Hands Wanted, at the Confederate States Navy yard! Located on the Chattahoochee River , at Saffold, Early County , Georgia , to build Gunboats!
Ship Carpenters, Joiners, Caulkers, Mechanics of every kind, Blacksmiths, Hewers, and Laborers, both white men and negroes, can find employment at the Confederate States Navy Yard. As several Gunboats are now in progress of construction and under contract, the hands may expect steady employment and good wages. All the hands employed at the Navy Yard are exempt from Military duty, and not subject to draft. Any person now in the service, who desires a situation at the Navy Yard, can obtain a furlough to work there, by application to D. S. Johnston, Saffold, Early county, Ga. The Confederate States Navy Yard is situated on the Chattahoochee River , at Saffold, Early co., Ga. , and is accessible by steamboats making regular trips from Columbus , Ga. , via Eufaula , Ala. , and Fort Gaines , Ga. D. S. Johnston . Saffold Ga. , March 5, 1862.
DALLAS HERALD, April 3, 1861, p. 1, c. 6 "Old Virginny."—The Augusta (Geo.) Dispatch says: The negroes employed in grading the Macon & Warrenton Railroad, near Warrenton, have hoisted secession flag on their dirt carts, bearing eight well executed stars.—On being asked why they added the eighth star, the reply was "Ole Wirginnys bound to come."
**************** WANTED TO HIRE, 1,000 NEGRO WOMEN!
At the manufacturing quartermaster's department, Gilmer, Upshur county, Texas. I want 1,000 Negro Women to spin and weave Cloth for the army. Twenty Dollars per month and rations will be paid. J. D. Thomas, Major & Manufacturing Q.M.D.A. Gilmer, Texas, June 1st, 1864.
They Volunterred and gave what they could
DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST [ AUGUSTA, GA ], April 28, 1861, p. 2, c. 4
Negroes Volunteering.—About fifty free negroes in Amelia county have offered themselves to the Government for any service. In our neighboring city of Petersburg, two hundred free negroes offered for any work that might be assigned to them, either to fight under white officers, dig ditches, or anything that could show their desire to serve Old Virginia. In the same city, a negro hackman came to his master, and insisted, with tears in his eyes, that he should accept all his savings, four hundred dollars, to help equip the volunteers. The free negroes of Chesterfield have made a similar proposition. Such is the spirit, among bond and free, through the whole of the State. The fools and scoundrels who calculate on a different state of things, will soon discover their mistake. Richmond Dispatch.
DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST [ AUGUSTA , GA ], July 14, 1861, p. 1, c. 2 Negro Patriotism.—There is a negro man in the town of Greenwood, who goes by the name of “Free Jim;” he is a slave, however, and he came by the name of “Free Jim,” as his master told him some time since that as he had worked well and faithful for him, he might use his own time in making a living for himself until his services should be required again. Jim has bought a negro or two, owns a few horses, wagons, &c., and being anxious to do something for the war, proposed to the volunteers about to leave here in Don Russel’s regiment, to go with them; but his master would not let him go. Jim then said that he would tender his wagons, hacks, and teams for their use, and give the boys a rousing supper the other night. Some forty or fifty partook of an elegant supper, all the free gift of a negro, who is overflowing with patriotism for the Southern cause. Vicksburg ( Miss. ) Sun.
DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST [ AUGUSTA , GA ], December 11, 1861, p. 3, c. 1
A Noteworthy Incident.
A short time since it was announced that one of our Augusta companies, then in Virginia , was sadly in want of blankets. One of our citizens, who was assisting in the collection of the necessary articles, sent word to a friend that he would forward a lot in a day or two, and asked his friend to forward his contributions at the same time. A negro girl who was present when the message came, immediately disappeared, and soon returned with a very fine new blanket, which her master had recently given her, (and, we are informed, it was a very superior article,) saying: “Here, master, is a gift for Mars. William, who is suffering from the cold in Virginia . I hope you will send it with your’s [sic] sir.” Her master advised her to retain it—that she might need it herself, but the faithful servant insisted upon making her contribution, saying that she could get along well enough with her old ones. This is no fancy sketch, but a reality—and “Mars. William” is now, doubtless, enabled to sleep more comfortably in the cold winter nights of Virginia , through the kindly consideration of Hettie, for such is the name of the faithful negress whose good act we have recorded, as an evidence of the devotion and even patriotism of our negroes
DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST [ AUGUSTA , GA ], March 28, 1862, p. 2, c. 3
Speech of a Patriotic Negro.
There was a supper got up the other day by the colored folks of Gonzales , Texas , for the benefit of the sick soldiers, at which $60 was raised. The following speech, delivered by one of the darkis [sic], we find in the Inquirer: Feller Citizens: I spose you wants me to spaciate bout de casion ub dis gatherin, and our poor sick sogiers way back in Kentucky, ole Virginny, Norf Calina, and de rest eb de forrin countries. But what does you spose dem darkies is stayin out doors for? Why does’n you pay your four bits an cum in here, an jine wid us, an joy yoursleves wid dese white darkies pon de bountiful supper fixed by dese white ladies for us? Dis nigger hopes dem niggers out dar aint like de [fold in paper] calf—lib all winter an die in de spring.—Arnt you [fold in paper] you gits sick don’t you git de best ob nussin from de missis, an when you cums to die aint de funeral formed by de good ole massa hisself? But de poor sick soger way back in de forrin lands hab nobody to tend to him, an when he dies may be so he’s put way wors nor any Gonzales county nigger is put away. Maobe you’ll nebber see de poor sogier till you meets him in heaven, den how’ll you feel in dat glorified place when de poor feller say, “nigger, you owes me four bits!” Dis nigger has gib all fur de war, and dis nigger will ‘tinue to gib. Dis nigger wish he could shoe de hosses for de enemy just afore dey make dar big charge. Dis nigger drive de nail plum fru de frog ob de hosses’ foot. We must dribe the bobolitionists from ole Kentuck, dat forrin land whar dis nigger was born, an ole Virginny, whar dis nigger’s fader and mudder was fotched up. I wish I was dar, I does. I’d git one bobolitionist shure and may be so two, three, four ob em. Feller citizens, cum long in. [Great applause.]
DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST [ AUGUSTA , GA ], July 30, 1862, p. 3, c. 3
From the Macon ( Ga. ) Telegraph, July 29. A Faithful Negro.
Camp Lee , Near Petersburg , Va. ,} July 22d, 1862. } The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted by the Macon Volunteers on the eve of the departure for home of old Charles Benger, the historic fifer of the 2d Geo. Battalion. It has been fitly and aptly said that war has its beauties as well as its horrors. In truth the grim visaged monster does not always wear his blood stained garments. No where do these triune virtues, Truth, Fidelity and Devotion, appear in such resplendent coloring. And it is a source of infinite pleasure to record that in the person and character of “Old Charley, the fifer,” these cardinal virtues have been portrayed and exemplified in a most attractive form. His connection with the Macon Volunteers dates back beyond the memory of most of those who now fill its ranks, and all have learned to respect and love the faithful old fifer, despite his dark skin and humble position. This time honored corps have marched to the ear piercing notes of his well worn fife for 37 long years. Whether in the everglades of Florida , or whether in times of peace we were preparing for war by drills and parades in the streets of our native city, old Charley has been found at his post. His music has given increased zest to hours of festivity, and during the gloom of these latter days, has cheered the monotony of camp life—the fatigues of long, weary marches—and the countless privations of actual service. Sadly shall we miss his inspiriting strains, and who so tenderly will wail forth the last sad requiem of our departed ones. Yet, now old age comes creeping on, and our Veteran Minstrel must leave; and it is with pain that we bid farewell to his benignant countenance, the equanimity of which was never disturbed by the depressing influences of camp life, heat, cold, fatigue, or short rations. Therefore, Resolved, That in parting with this “Historic Old Fifer” we part with a faithful old soldier and a devoted old friend. We cannot do less than commend him to the kindness and attention of all who love our cause and appreciate worth.
Soldier’s Discharge—To All Whom It May Concern. Know Ye, That Charles Benger, a colored Musician of Captain Geo. S. Jones’ company, Macon Volunteers, 2nd Ga. Battalion, who was enlisted the 1st day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, to serve one year, is hereby honorably discharged from the Army of the Confederate States. Charlie is a patriotic and faithful negro, and deserves good treatment at the hands of any and every Southerner. Said Charles Benger was born in Camden county, in the State of Georgia , is 68 years of age, 5 feet, 11 inches high, black complexion, black eyes, grey hair, and by occupation when enlisted, a fifer. Given at Petersburg , Va. , this 22d day of July, 1862.
DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST [ AUGUSTA , GA ], August 2, 1862, p. 1, c. 4 Patriotism Among the Colored Population.—We learn that a negro woman, wishing to go “in for the war,” dressed herself in the uniform of a soldier and went off with the Macon Light Artillery. She was arrested in Augusta and lodged in jail.—Macon ( Ga. ) Telegraph, Aug. 1st.
&nbs p; Geo. S. Jones, Capt. & A. Qr. M. I. C. S.
DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST [ AUGUSTA , GA ], August 8, 1862, p. 3, c. 1 Noteworthy.—The following note speaks for itself. The devotion of the negroes of the South to the interest of our soldiers is worthy of notice. It is one of the best refutations of Abolitionist falsehoods that can be presented: Mr. A. Frederick: Dear Sir: I see advertised in the Constitutionalist that the Baker Volunteers are in want of socks. Old Aunt Jenny Berry (a servant) sends you seven pairs, knit by herself. She is now 105 years old, and never wore glasses in her life. She wants to do something for our soldiers, and wants the Yankees whipped out of the South, particularly in old Virginia , as that is her old home. She belongs to Mr. L. F. Berry, of Jefferson co., Ga. She is one of the best old servants I ever knew. Yours, respectfully, Mrs. R. R.
STANDARD [CLARKSVILLE, TX], November 19, 1864, p. 2, c. 3 Liberal Donation.—The negro band, Shreveport Minstrels, have recently given four concerts for the benefit of the Soldier's Home, of this place, which netted $2235, the amount has been paid over to the treasurer of the association.—South Western.
GALVESTON WEEKLY NEWS, March 4, 1863, p. 1, c. 4 The San Antonio Herald says the negroes of that city lately got up a party for the benefit of our soldiers. The net proceeds were $110, which have been forwarded to Bryan's Hospital. We hear of small pox in various parts of the State. Several fatal cases are reported in Bosque and other counties. Every body should feel it a duty to resort at once to vaccination. We learn that Dr. Oaks has lately received fresh vaccine matter.
They were POWs-- Staunton Spectator: October 13, 1863 The Petersburg Express is informed by Lieut. Daniels, who has just arrived at Petersburg from Fort Norfolk, that some 35 or 40 Southern negroes, captured at Gettysburg, are confined at Fort McHenry. He says that they profess an undying attachment to the South. Several times Gen. Schenck has offered to release them from the Fort, if they would take the oath of allegiance to the Federal Government and join the Lincoln army. They had peremptorily refused in every instance, and claim that they should be restored to their masters and homes in the South. They say they would prefer death to liberty on the terms proposed by Schneck. Staunton Vindicator: November 13, 1863 A South Carolina Negro in New York (Column 6) A chaplain left behind with the wounded at Gettysburg reports that few African Americans captured at Gettysburg took the oath of allegiance to the Yankees. He relates a conversation between a South Carolina African American and Yankee General Morris in which the former refuses to fight for the North.
Staunton Spectator: February 24, 1863 A Faithful Negro Prisoner (Column 2) Summary: Item reports that one of Gen. Stuart's slaves is in captivity for refusing to take the oath to the Federal Government.
************ DAILY TIMES [LEAVENWORTH, KS], April 8, 1864, p. 2, c. 1
The Dash of the Kansas Fifth.
We gave, some three days ago, news of Colonel Clayton's brilliant expedition. We have to-day an official report of it. Here it is: Little Rock, Ark., April 1. The expedition to Mount Elba and Longview has just returned. We destroyed the pontoon bridge at Longview, pursued a train of thirty-five wagons loaded with Confederate equipments, ammunition, some stores, etc., and captured three hundred and twenty prisoners. We engaged in battle, yesterday morning, General Dockney's division, of about 1,200 men from Monticello, routed and pursued them ten miles, with a loss on their side of over one hundred killed and wounded. We captured a large quantity of small arms, two stand of colors, many negroes, and three hundred horses and mules. Our loss will not exceed fifteen in killed, wounded, and missing. We brought in several hundred contrabands. The expedition was a complete success. Details will be furnished in my official report.
Lewiston Daily Evening Journal, October 9, 1861. FROM NEW ORLEANS
1300 warriors crossed the Arkansas River near Plymouth on the 15th ult. en route for McColloch's army.
Gen. Whitefield late of Arkansas, is also moving toward Southern Missouri, at the head of Texan troops.
The Federal prisoners sent to New Orleans were escorted to their quarters there, by a colored company.
New Orleans Commercial Bulletin- Sep 30, 1861 The Prisoners- It is considered positive that the Yankee prisoners will arrive this morning by the Jackson train. A detachment of the Orleans Guard, the Orleans Light Guard and the Louisiana State Guard, the Continental Guards, and the company of colored troops have been detailed, we understand by Gen. Twiggs to escort and guard them to the Parish Prison where they will be confined until something can be found for them to do.
{after researching the same paper the prisoners where numbered at 250, mostly foreigners. Made up of men from the 69th, 2nd, 11th and 14th New York, New York Zouaves and 2nd Maine. Apparently captured at the Battle of Manassas. David Upton}
DAILY TIMES [LEAVENWORTH, KS], August 4, 1864, p. 2, c. 2
From Atlanta. [For the Leavenworth Times.]
Camp near Atlanta, Ga.,} July 33d [sic], 1864. } Mr. Editor:--I write you briefly, under circumstances of great difficulty, as we are in the excitement and confusion of battle. Since crossing the Chattahoochee, about ten days since, this army has been kept in unceasing activity; marching, counter-marching from right to left and left to right, fighting continually, by day and night, driving the enemy from successive lines of breastworks, and building others to maintain our position against a wily and determined foe, until at last we have reached to within two miles of the city, and the last line of the rebel defences. For two or three days past the fighting has been of the most firm description. All day yesterday rapid volleys of musketry and artillery rolled up from the entire line to deafening thunders. The rebels made a furious charge on our left wing, and were gallantly repulsed, but I regret to hear that the gallant McPherson was slain in the crisis of victory. The rebel Gen. Johnson has been removed from command, and Hood appointed instead, with imperative orders from "Jeff." to make a stand at all hazards. I send you extracts from rebel papers, just published, showing that they consider Atlanta the last hope of the Confederacy in this section, and probably for the whole concern. The many prisoners we have taken confirm this, and all declare that their army can be kept together no longer if defeated and driven from here. For the last twenty miles of our adcance [sic] the rebel works have been of the strongest description. Generally they are not more than one mile apart, and prisoners state that fifteen thousand negroes have been employed for several months past in their erection. When one line is no longer tenable they usually retire under cover of the night to the next. This will explain the tardiness of our advance. The great anaconda is slowly but surely tightening his folds around the doomed city, and the "heart of the Confederacy" will speedily cease to beat to the pulsations of treason. Our regiment was occupied during most of yesterday in building breast works to protect their line. In the evening, about sundown, the enemy made a sudden charge. "There they come," ran along the line like an electric shock, and in a moment a hissing storm of bullets swept over us. But the enemy finding our boys ready to give them a warm reception, soon fell back to the cover of the woods, from where, during the remainder of the night, they entertained us with occasional touches of leaden melody. To a novice the music is rather harsh, and makes him nervous, but the veteran sleeps as soundly mid it all as though it were the softest lullaby. Thus far the casualties in our regiment are small. None have been killed, and but four slightly wounded. ; Chap 8th Kansas.
This information came from a blog post at http://mybacksass.blogspot.com/2014/05/petty-and-childish.html
The person who posted this information does not list the grandfathers name or unit or his slave Jeff, who went off to war with them. That being the case I am filing the information here.
"Just like my great-great-grandfather Samuel and his slave, Jeff."
"Also, there's a lot I've never read about the Civil War in other states or even other parts of Virginia. As I've said many times on Kevin's page, my study is limited almost exclusively to my hometown of Norfolk, VA and the Tidewater coastline. If you have something convincing, I'll certainly concede the debate. My study is primarily limited to the Norfolk Blues (111th Field Artillery, Richmond Howitzers) and the 55th North Carolina, Company B. Any info relating to these companies would be most welcome."
"I watched a “Black Confederate” story evolve in my own family, and Kevin’s blogs helped me make sense of it. My grandfather (aged 93) tells of his grandfather Samuel taking a slave named Jeff with him to war. “Uncle” Jeff was something of a family legend in the 1920s/ early ’30s (he lived to 104, his master died at 55). He claimed that when fighting broke out, he grabbed a gun and “got in there with ‘em.” My granddaddy told this story several times in my childhood, and never ONCE called “Uncle Jeff” a Confederate soldier."
I will add Jeff to our total count.
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