Negros in Grey
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Confederate Citizen Papers

Confederate Papers Relating to Citizens or Business Firms, compiled 1874 - 1899, documenting the period 1861 - 1865

NARA M346. Known as the "Citizens File," these original records pertain to goods furnished or services rendered to the Confederate government by private individuals or business firms.

These listing are found on Footnote unless otherwise noted. Not all papers, letters, or receipts transcribed.

1. Negro boy Joe. La. Hospital ??? Mississippi May 16, 1863. Paid $9.50

2. Edmund Negro man, hospital Mississippi, 9 dozen eggs, 32 chickens paid $22. 75.

3. Jack, Negro. Property of Tom Graham, Paducah, KY. Court-martial papers. Said to be a run a way. Sentenced to labor and be employed with the army until his master or someone of authority calls for him. Not held in strict confinement.

4. Jack, Negro property of WM. Williams. Kemper Co. Miss. Court-martial at Tupelo, Miss. Said to be a run a way. Master is in the army. Sentenced to labor and be employed with the army until his master or someone of authority calls for him. Not held in strict confinement.

5. Cato. Negro Boy. From the Confederate States Nov. 22, 1862. For 18 pounds of sweet potatoes @ $1 for bu(shel).

6. Billy, free Negro. July 20, 1863. For hire as a teamster April 18th to July 12, 1863, being 2 months and 27 days @ $20.00 per month. Received at West Point Mississippi $58. 00.

7. Isaac. Negro. Property of William Conner. Court-martial at Tupelo. Said to be a run away. Sentenced to labor and be employed with the army until his master or someone of authority calls for him. Not held in strict confinement.

8. Joe. Negro boy. Hospital at ????? Mississippi. For sale of vegetables $9.50.

W. T. / Walter T. Bibb not a Negro but did get paid for arresting some Negro deserters from the Richmond defenses. Some names are hard to read.
9.A. John Pug(?)
10. B. Henry Williams
11. George Dreux (?)
12. Ben ????

13. One J. W. Baker (free Negro) was paid for services as a teamster "in the field" by E. W. Janney AQM.

14. Brown, J. S. (or George) Free Negro conscript deserted Oct. 26/64.
R. L. Singletary, Supt. Labor, Charleston S. C.
Report of deserters.

15. From the Confederate states to Sam free Negro for 30 days service at $50.00 per month.
31st day of July 1864.

Capt. McGomley Quartermaster CS Army
(Several pages in this file)

16. From Confederate States to Jesse Bainwright, Free Negro. Sept 31, 1862. For service as a ??????man from 1st to 31st of Sept 1862 ????? (21 Days) at $1.25 per day. $26.25 (several pages in this file)

Received at Richmond Va. Oct. 2, 1862 of Capt Carrington QQM CS Army.

Several cards in this file.

17. From Confederate States to John Bainwright, Free negro. Sept 31, 1862. For service as a ??????man from 1st to 29th of Sept 1862 ????? (21 Days) at $1.25 per day. $36.25

Received at Richmond Va. Oct. 2, 1862 of Capt Carrington QQM CS Army.

Several cards in this file.

18. Hilliard Johnson, Free Negro conscript, deserted Fort Sumter May 10/ 64

19. From the Confederate States to Edward Brown, August 3, 1863. For services in???? 29 cord of wood at $.20 a cord. $5.80. At Camp Lewis. Captain P.M. Goodman Ast. QM.

20. The Confederate States to Moses Brook (free Negro) ????????. For (6) days labor on the Public defenses at Richmond in May 1862 as per roll 9601 1st & 2nd yrs 1863 as turned in by A. L. Reves Capt. Eng Bureau @ $.50 a day.

21. James Beverly, Free negro.Unable to determine what service or goods he may have provided to The Confederacy. There is one paper that list painting on lock (???) screws at a depot No. 1 for $3.00. Looking over all papers under his name appears they may be mixed with someone else with the same name. The one card which lists free Negro also lists these papers:
A 72/8 Vessel papers
C 92
F 30
P 29
T 28

22. Dan Burke Free Negro conscript deserted June 25, 1864. See papers (voucher) of R. L. Singletary, Supt of Labor, Charleston S. C.

23. Tom Bass Free Negro conscript deserted June 21, 1864. See papers (voucher) of R. L. Singletary, Supt of Labor, Charleston S. C.

24. John S. Burns, Free Negro conscript deserted May 11, 1864. See papers (voucher) of R. L. Singletary, Supt of Labor, Charleston S. C.

25. WM. Beckett Free Negro conscript deserted Aug. 7, 1864. See papers (voucher) of R. L. Singletary, Supt of Labor, Charleston S. C.

26. Thomas Bailey Free Negro employed as was employed as a cook. Gen. Hosp. Symahburg, Va. (?????)

27. William Botts, Free Negro. 1862. From The Confederate States for services as a fireman from 1st to 30th Nov. inclusive at $1.25 per day. $34.50

Received at Richmond Capt. Carrington Asst. Q.M.
(Several pages in this file)

28. John Banks, free Negro. From the Confederate States August 31, 1862 for services as a train hand from 1st to 16th August (16 days) at $1.25 per day. $20.00

Received at Richmond
J. F. B. Dorsey, Capt. Asst. Q. M.
(Several pages in this file, may be mixed with others of the same name)

29. James Breach, Free Negro conscript, deserted Oct. 1, 64. See papers (voucher) of R. L. Singletary, Supt of Labor, Charleston S. C.

30. Moses Binford -- Free Negro. Appears as a CSR page, but filed as Confederate citizen page. No other info noted

31 – 35. (on side of paper)
No. 92
W. W.Forbes Atty for Jno. Thomas Brown and other free Negroes from Roan.
Potomac Defenses Oct. Nov. Dec. 1861
Paid Feb. 26, 1862

Buckingham County, State of Virginia.

This day John Thomas Brown, Chamberlain Cozzeus or Concesus, James Shoemaker, Warner Stanton, and Doctor Woolridge, free Negroes, appeared personally before me in my County aforesaid and acknowledge this foregoing power of attorney to be ????????? And I hereby certify that R.K. Irving and George Walton ediable ???????????????.
Given under my hand and seal this 2nd day of Jan. 1862.

M. Smith

36. The Confederate States to
William J. Byrnes
For government wages due and paid the following Negroes as teamsters from 25 to 31 July, 1862 6 days at $18.00 per month each $3.10 each.

37. Felix Augustin
38. Belestin Troiogrow (???)
39. Maunel Barnire
40. Charles LeBlanc
41. Emile Tanas
42. John Dufine
Paid these Negroes on this voucher in consequence of their inability to write and having no agent being free!!!!

George Whitfield
On this 30 day of September 1862

43 - 46. This order is very hard to read due to poor penmanship. Several pages were used to get a more complete idea of the order. Private in this order has a line drawn through it.

?????? Camp Instruction
Decatur Ga (?) May 27, 1864

Special order
Robert Harper (Free Negro) will take charge of Tom Beard, Geo. Coleman, Daniel Coleman, Free Negroes detailed under Maj. J. W. Mallett -- Macon, Ga. -- traveling (?) with them to said city will deliver them with these details to Maj. Mallett who is requested to send receipt for the men.

Maj ???????

We the undersigned free Negroes of Powhatan County Va. do hereby appoint John L. Brackett of Powhatan County Va. our true and lawful agent to sign receipts for and receive payments of all monies due to us by the Engineer Department of The Confederate States of America for service as laborers on the defensive works of Richmond Va.
Witness our hands and seal at Powhatan Station this 5 fifth day of Febry. 1862
(Signed in Duplicate)
Jos A. Gates
L. K. Sumter(?)
R. H. Hayes
George W. Davis

(2nd Column)
His mark seal
47. Edward X Morris Each man has a seal which is jut more or less a circle
48. Henry X Hughes
49. Tom X Mayo
50. Robert X Tyler
51. Robert X Lynch
52. David X Howell
53. William X Hall
54. Preston X Lewis
55. Tom X Ford
56. Daniel X Giles
57. Cornelius James
58. Henry X Mayo
59. Phillip X Harris
60. George X Tyler Jr.
61. Henry X James
62. John X Henley

63. Wiley Brown free Negro was employed at Sewalls Point Va. No date. Wiley Brown has several records in his file up to January 1864 for services and goods supplied to the Confederacy.

64. The Confederate States to L. Smith free negro.
August 31st. For services as a fireman from 1st to 27th August 1862. (27 days) $1.25 per day.
Lawerence or Lawson Smith (his mark)
Additional papers related to goods or service furnished.

65. Thomas Brown was employed on the defenses of Roanoke River, N. C.
Payroll-- 8102-4, 8168-4.

66. Frank Brown, Negro. 6/3/1/. 9.10.90. No other info.

67. From The Confederate States to John Banks, free Negro. Brakeman. For services as a Brakeman from 20th thru 30 Oct. 1862 at $1.25 per day. $15.00

Richmond Nov. 24, 1862. Capt. Carrington Asst QM.

68. Bill Brown, Negro. No other info.

69. Eng. Camp near Manassas, Dec. 6, 1861. I certify that the bearer Edward Beverly a free Negro was called out by order (?) of Gen Johnston for work on fortifications and has made 62 days of service.

$31 wages Thos. H. Williamson Lt. Col
Chief Eng. Potomac Dept.

70. The Confederate States to Andrew Beverly free ?????? ??????
For my services on ???? defenses at and near Richmond in July, Aug, & Sept. 1864, 2 months and 10 days at $11. 00 per month.
From????? Capt Eng. Dept
Samuel A. Dixon Atty.

71. The Confederate States to Negro Boy Jim.
Nov. 21.
For 15 pounds of sweet potatoes at $1. $15.00
I certify that the account is just and correct and that the articles specified were purchased by Maj. Dillion for use by the army.
John Mcallon(?) special agent

72. The Confederate (for general Hospital) to G. Sanford a free Negro.
For cabbage plants $15.00

Received at Knoxville 26th day of June 1863'
John S. Pride CS Army

73. Mathusalem Chavis, free Negro conscript. Employed at ????? Orangebury Dist S. C. Aug. 7/64.
Leuit. Thomas C. Neal Eng. Dept. at ?????? R R . S. C

74. Henry Bowser (free) Nurse. see ch 6, 653, 2, 8. No other info

75. From The Confederate States to Essex Byers (free Negro) for services as a laborer in handling ???? at $20.00 per month.
Lynchburg Virginia August ?? 1862 Capt John W Woodson asst QM

76. From The Confederate States to Wyatt Byers free Boy.
Nov. 1864. For one month services as teamster for the month of November 1864. Clothing and rations provided by the government.

$25. 00 Received at Lynchburg Va. Capt. W. M. Jones asst. Q. M. CS Army

77. Henry Bass Free Negro conscript. Marlboro Dist. ??? Deserter. Assd. to Fort Sumter June 2/64

78. William Brown Negro. 1-31/0 -10.90. No other info.

79. One Tom Brown (Negro) was employed on external ???? at Mobile, Ala. P.R. 3049. No other info.

80. The Confederate States Engineer Department to Blount and Dawson. For 4 mons. Hire of Negro pilot Mansfeld on board of stmr "Lamar" of the cotton clad stmrs on the Altamaha River (Georgia).
4mos at $45.00 per month.
Received at Savannah, Ga. this 6the day of January, 1864. Capt. I McCrady Corps of Engineers, C.S. Army

81. The Confederate States to Thomas Kelly, (FMC). Two months service for cooking for prisoners at Yorktown. From 1st Jan. to 28th Feb, 1862 @ $10.00 a month. $20.00

Maj. W. Hyllested

81 on this page 11/18/11