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South Carolina Pension applications Page 1

Comptroller General\ lid
In his 1926 report to the General Assembly, the comptroller general, for the first time, listed the African American Confederate pensioners individually. It is reproduced below and preserves the spelling of the original. Applications do not exist at the state level for all pensioners.

Not listed in the following counties but detailed is the widow of R. Sebastian Brown. What is interesting is the that R. S. Brown being black married a white woman which was still illegal in 1879 when a pension was first filed. In 1919 a pension was granted. R. S. Brown Co. K, 7th South Carolina Cav. is listed as a private in the CWS&S and has a CSR. R. S. Brown enlisted in the Confederate Army Feb. 2, 1864 and at Greenville South Carolina. March to August of 1864, he was to be paid $59.20 for use of a horse. Notes states he drew five months pay on a descriptive list, he has never received bounty or pay for his horse since enlistment. He was admitted to the hospital at least once as noted on the roll of Sept and Oct. of 1864. He was returned to duty Nov. 30, 1864 and is shown to have served until to surrendered or paroled at Farmville, Va. between April 11 and April 25, 1865.

Wade Childs no listing in the CWSS or CSR, but does have a letter of support posted. We will count Mr. Childs in the total

Another man documented, but does not have a CSR is Frank Rangs. Mr. Rangs claims to have been a cook for Gen. R. E. Lee. There are at least two other cooks listed for Gen. Lee which at this time we have not researched. We are not taking this editorial one way or the other but will try to locate more documentation to support this editorial. We are also counting Mr. Rangs in the total for this webiste.
Range, Frank

The following data is extracted from South Carolina Slave Narratives.

Civil War Servant and Hero
At the age of one hundred and three, Frank Range is a familiar figure on the streets of Greenville, talking freely of pre-Civil and Civil War days, and the part he played in the war.

Frank, the oldest of nine children, was born of slave parents, Lenard and Elizabeth Herbert, on the plantation of Mr. Jim Boler, Newberry, South Carolina. He was sold several times, and is known by the name of one of his owners, John Range.

During the Civil War his master, Mr. Jim Herbert, carried him to the war as a cook, and when necessary, he was pressed into service, throwing up breast-works; and while he was engaged in this work, at Richmond Va. a terrific bombardment of their lines was made, and a part of their breast-works was crushed in, and his master buried beneath it. Frantic with fear for the safety of his master, Frank began to move the dirt away; finally he was able to drag him to safety. Though shot and shell were falling all around him, he came out unscathed.

Frank Range returned to Newberry at the close of the war, after which he moved to Greenville County in 1901, and into the city in 1935. He is never happier than when, in the center of a group of willing hearers, he is reciting in a sing-song tone the different periods of his life.

He attributes his longevity to the fact that he has never tasted whiskey, never chewed tobacco; never had a fight; toothache and headache are unknown to him; the service of a physician has never been needed; he does not know one playing card from another. He can walk five or more miles with seeming ease; is jovial and humorous.

He receives a state pension of twenty five dollars annually. His place of residence is 101 Hudson St. Greenville, S.C.

Source: South Carolina Slave Narratives

According to the Greenville News of 29 August 1930 (section 2, page 21 ,columns 2-4), Frank Rangs, aged 93 years, not only had accompanied his young master Hut Boler from Newberry into Civil War service but also had served with Gen. Robert F. Lee. According to Rangs, he entered service with Boler and served until Boler lost his right arm. Boler and Rangs then returned to Newberry, and Jim Boler, the younger Boler's father, again sent Rangs to serve with the Army of Northern Virginia. At that time, Rangs began cooking and washing for General Lee. Rangs' service ended at Appomattox.

Preliminary checking located a Jamcs M. Boland (1841-1922) of Newberry County who served in Confederate forces. Boland has a CSA marker and is buried in Hinson Cemetery near Pomaria.


Caleb Glover manservant to Confederate Colonel Olin Dantzler of the 22nd SC. Infantry. Caleb accompanied his master to the war and faithfully brought his body home after the Colonel was killed in Virginia, June 2, 1864.

From a report on the fight by Union Colonel Joseph R. Hawley of the 7th Conn. Volunteers:

"A detachment of Colonel Spear’s dismounted cavalry came to our assistance, as did Captain Pride, First Connecticut Heavy Artillery, with some of his force belonging in Redan No. 3. He was also ordered to open with canister or grape on the woods directly in front of him, which he did. The enemy’s forces on that side then appeared to be the Twenty-second South Carolina, for in this combined resistance Colonel Dantzler was killed, a number of his men killed and wounded, a lieutenant and 23 men captured, and the rest repulsed." Photo in Forum.

Submitted By Glenn Land


Listed by county alphabetically.

Abbeville County

1. Black,Jeff
2. Bugg,Jim
3. Frazier, Marcus
4. Jackson, Dennis
5. Jones, Henry
6. McAllister, Andrew
7. McClinton,Jack
8. Noble, Isaac
9. Power, Ben
10. Reid, Vance
11. Roche, Aaron
12. Tucker, Sam
13. Vauss, Elvin
14. Willard, Henry
15. Williams, Harry

Aiken County

16. Barrett, Emmett, Aiken
17. Gass, Elliott, North Augusta
18. Gantt, Will, North Augusta
19. Harrison, Alex, Aiken RFD. 2
20. Kelly, Ansell, Jackson
21. Neal, Charlie, Aiken
22. Prophet, Frank, Perry
23. Quarles, Hort, Vaucluse
24. Thompson, lavinia, Salley
25. Wigfall, Sank, North Augusta
26. Williams, Alex, Jackson

Allendale County

27. Deloach, Richard, Allendale
28. Goodwin,Joe, Barton
29. Jemerson, Aaran, Allendale
30. Loadholt, Miles, Ulmers
31. Robinson, Solomon, Sycamore
32. Smilh , Harry, Allendale
33. Williams, Bram, Sycamore

Anderson County

34. Childs, Wade
35. Mattison, Marshall
36. Owens, Starling

Bamberg County

37. Felder, Henry
38. Gold, Sam
39. Smith, Frank
40. Stokes, Bill
41. Whitmire, Henry


42 this page 5/27/11