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CS Laboratory Vineville, GA. 2 |
 C.S. Laboratory, Macon Georgia 186__
List of FMCs sent to Savannah. (This is the first time I have saw FMC used in 1860s documents. GP)
1. Jesse Adams 2. John Adams 3. Tazwell Bloodworth 4. Gus Brooks 5. Green(?) Coggens 6. Ellis Coggens 7. George Coggens (line drawn through) 8. Dennis Holloway 9. Benny or Berry Lowng(?) 10. Thos. Mitchell (line drawn through) 11. Jack Miller 12. Alex Ross (line drawn through) 13. John Ruiss(??) (duplicate, not counted) 14. Tom Valentine (line drawn through)
Slaves 1. York Jones 2. John 3. Stepney 4. London
The above negroes went to Savannah with Mr. Ash 18th inst. R. A. Benson T.K. (timekeeper)
CS. Central Laboratory Aug. 2, 1864 Lt. Col. I. W. Mallet Comd'g Col. Col. I have to report That I find upon examination that there is a great carelessness on the part of R. A. Benson timekeeper in the discharge of his duties. This day he has sent in a requisition for a lot of shoes for the negroes. in the employment of the C. S. Central Laboratory & upon investigation I find that he has made requisitions for shoes for Clayton Thomas, Jack Moreland, and Lewis Mitchell - Thomas Mitchell, Ben Thomas, & Edmund Marshall that shoes were issued for the above named slaves at the following times ??? Clayton Thomas, March 11, 1864 Jack Moreland , July, 6, " Louis Mitchell, June 25, " Thomas Mitchell*, July 6, " Ben Thomas, March 11, " Edmund Marshall March " " These shoes first sent may have been delivered to the negroes , but the fact shown have been repeats otherwise it would (page 2)not be known if any particular negro has been furnished or not. I would also call your attention to this further evidence of carelessness............................ ......................................................................................... Signed: very respectfully your obd. servant Ias. C. Calhoun 1st lt. ???? on ???? duty Willis Scott......C.S. Labatories
notes: 1. Transcribed by Tom Wise 2.. Page 2 not a full transcription 3. * duplicate
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