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In Memory Of The Slaves who Died During the Construction of Fort DeRussy.
1. Charley
2. Edmond
3. Wisdom
4. Henry Brown
5. Horace
6. Hicks
7. Daniel
8. Sam
9. Harry
10. Charles
11. Cyrus
12. Solomon
13. Isaac
14. Jim
15. Henry
16. Charles Young
17. Mose
18. Chance
19. Jeff
20. Bob Scott
21. Bose
22. Arch
23. Ted
24. Charlie
25. Lewis
26. Robert
27. Fred
28. Solomon
29. John
30. Mike
31. Cornelius
32. Henry
33. Sambo
34. Esau
35. Reuben
36. Charles
37. Plutarch
38. Harrison
39. Henry
40. Frank
41. Sam
42. Moses
43. Nicholas
44. Fielding
45. Abraham
46. Jeff
47. John
48. Johnson
49. Joe
50. Daniel
51. Charles
52. Bob
53. Allen
54. Jim
55. Lazarus
56. Bill Flemming
57. Primus
58. Paul
59. Unknown
60. Unknown
61. Unknown
62. Pinck
63. Unknown
64. Daniel
65. Charley
66. Nelson
67. Levi
68. Tom
69. Greene
“Every arrangement has been made at the works below to secure the comfort and well being of negroes, that can be made. Temporary huts have been erected for their shelter; bountiful rations are issued to them, and a skillful Surgeon has been sent there, provided with medicines to attend them if taken sick. Last year the rations allowed to negroes at Fort DeRussy were larger than the rations allowed to soldiers, and this winter there has been an increase in the rations to negroes at Fort DeRussy etc over the allowance of last year.”
Major General Richard Taylor, CSA
Commander, District of West Louisiana
February 2, 1864
“Oh How I pity these poor negroes here. They work them from daybreak until dark and about half feed them. They look so bad I never would let them have one of mine to treat this way. I would feed them in the woods first.”
Captain H. A. Wallace
19th Texas Infantry, Walker’s Division, CSA
February 10, 1864
Information provided By Steve Mayeau.
Slave monument at Fort DeRussy
To: gpthelastrebel©
(Name omitted) told me that you were looking for the names of the slaves on the Slave Monument at Fort DeRussy. I’ve attached a couple of Word documents that will give you most of what is written on the front and back of the stone. If you need the names of the slaves’ owners, I have that, too. (One of the slaves listed on the stone, Daniel Bogan, did not die from overwork or disease at Fort DeRussy. He died as a result of a Yankee bullet that he stopped a few days earlier down in south Louisiana while serving as a bugler with the Pelican Artillery. Daniel did die at the fort, while being taken back home after he was shot. His owner did have slaves working at the fort, and knew that he could be reimbursed for the loss of a slave working on a state project; but that he could not collect for a slave serving in the army. So he just wrote up his claim that Daniel had died at the fort, and collected his payment. Got away with it for about 140 years, until I put some sources together while working on my book and saw what had been done. The owner was a Confederate Senator, and his g-g-grandson is still ticked off at me.)
69 this page 6/20/12