Negros in Grey
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Need names and /or numbers of Negros who may have served in these unit(s). I am also posting this to the Virginia pages as a more permanent request. The best I can determine this is make up of Negros in the Jackson/Winder Hospitals.

I have found a few cards such as the one below the letter by Surg. Scott, however they do not list race which tends to be a huge problem. There is no way to know if these men are the Negros mentioned or not. Perhaps in the future a more detailed list or letter will be found.

George Purvis


From the National Archives, RG 109 (Administrative Files – Subject Index: Ships – Zouaves, Box # 5 , “Slaves” Folder)
Hd Qrs Jackson Battalion
March 16th 1865

I have the honor to report that in obedience to your orders received through Surg Hancock I ordered my Battalion from the 1st 2d 3 & 4 Div of Jackson Hospital to the front on Saturday night at 12 o’clk and reported by order of Maj. Pegram to Col. Ship P.A.C.S. Comdg Cadet Corps.

I have great pleasure in stating that my men acted with the utmost promptness and good will.

I had the pleasure of turning over to Major Chambliss a portion of my Negro command to be attached to his Negro command. Allow me to state that they behaved in extraordinary commendable(?) manner. I would respectfully ask that Major Chambliss be particularly noticed for the manner which he handled that very important element to be inaugurated in our service.

Respy your Obdt Servt

H. C. Scott
Surg(?) & Major Comdg
Jackson Battln

1. Richard West-- Colored Cook, Co. A. 32nd Virginia Inf. Regt. Enlisted Dec. 25, 1864, Chesterfield. Slave of Richard T. West. (CSR)

2. Charles Page-- colored, Co. E, 32nd Virginia Inf. Regt. enlisted Sept 1864, Howletts Farm. Present on roll dated Oct. 31 1864. No cards after this date (CSR)

3. Ezekiel -- Cook, Co. F, 32nd Virginia Inf. Regt. Enlisted June 4, 1864, Richmond, by Capt. O. P. Johnson. On muster roll dated Nov. & Dec. 1864 “absent" Free Negro with the wagons. No cards after 1864, (CSR)

4. Pad -- Servant. Cook. Co. D 40 Virginia InfantryEnlisted Aug. 1, 1864 for aperiod of 5 months. Present on roll dated Jan. and Feb. 1865. (CWSS, CSR)

5. Charles Boyd; Servant to William Y. C. Hannum. 48th Virginia Inf. Regt:
Documentation and photos at:

6. Henry Mayo -- (Negro Slave). G, 56th Inf. Died Mar. 23, 1862, Camp Morton, Ind.
Source; (No CSR found under Mayo, should be Major)

7. Samuel Tatum-- Cook Co. D. 61st Virginia Inf. Present on Roll dated Sept., Oct. 1864. Enlisted Sept. 6, 1862, Henrico Co. by Capt. V.O. Cassell for a period of 3 years or the war. Last paid June 30th, 1864. Enlisted Negro. Clothing receipt of Dec. 23,1864(CSR-- 16 cards)

8. James Humbles -- Co. C., 61st Virginia Inf. Bugler. Present On a muster roll dated July and Aug. 1861. Enlisted April 18, 1861, Lexington, by Matthew X. White for a period of 1 year. Free Negro. Mustering officer thinks this man should not be mustered in. No explanation, no other cards. (CSR)

9. Richard "Dick" Poplar -- Pvt. Co. H. 13th Virginia Cav.
On a roll of POWs confined at Point Lookout, Maryland. Captured at Greencastle, July 5, 1863. Nothing in the CSR indicates this man is a Negro; records at Point Lookout may have more information. (CWS&S, CSR, Point Lookout Association )

10. Frank Bannister--3rd Regt. Engineer Troops Free Colored. See manuscript 3672. Sept. 1864

Unknown Unit or service:

11. Wm. Chavers-- (Free colored) Quartermaster Dept (?) Picketts, Division Receipt for clothing, May 10, 1864. June 7, 1864. June - March 31, 1864, on a roll of non-commissioned officers and privates employed on extra duty, Pittsburg, Virginia. Receipt roll 1/31/64, teamster, Greensboro, North Carolina from 12/1/62 to 1/ 31/63. $25. 00 Wit. A. W. Payne
(Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

12. Reuben Chavers -- Wagoner. This man is between two other free Negroes who may be his brothers. All witnessed by the same man. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

13. John Chavers -- Teamster. Pay Roll receipt dated 3/20/64. $30.00. Greensboro, N. C. $30.00. Wit. A. W. Payne John Chavers. Receipt Roll for clothing Jan. 1, 1865. Witness, Thos. Stephens. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

14. Henry Chavers -- Wagoner. Jan. 1864, Raleigh, N. C. No other info. (All of the Chavers men may be brothers as they are listed in the same areas at the same time.)

15. G. W. Chavers-- (More Research)

16. William Chaven -- FMC. QMD, Picketts Division. Receipt for clothing issued June 24, 1864. Witnessed, H. J. Carter. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

17. Edward Anderson -- Free Negro. Blacksmith, Age: 37. List of men detailed, employed and hired at C. S. Ambulance shops, Richmond, Virginia, in charge of R. C. Macmurdo, Capt and A.Q.M.
Dated: June 20, 1864
Native: Virginia
Citizen : Chesterfield Co.
By Whom Detailed: Capt Jno. A. Coke
Remark: no written authority approved by Q. M. Genl.
See manuscript 4384
(Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

18. J. Atkins -- Free negro-- Appears on a Register of Confederate Hospital, Petersburg, Va.
Admitted: Oct. 15, 1864
Remarks: Oct. 17, 1864, Duty (Returned to ?)

19. William Adkins -- Free Negro. Jan. - Feb. 1865, Dublin Depot, Va. Muster Roll of Free Negroes in the Q. M. Dept, Dublin, Va. Nov. And Dec. 1864. Enlisted July, 1, 1864 at Newbern, Va., for the war. Last paid Oct. 31, 1864. Present. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.

20. William Adkins -- FMC -- Q.M.D Abington, Va. April 1864. See manuscript 3676. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records. )

21. W. A. Abney-- Slave. (Hays?) Nurse See manuscript 4765. Jan. 1863. Stauton, Va. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

22. S. Ambler -- On a register of Jackson Hospital, Richmond, Va. Admitted April 11, 1865. Turned over to Prov. Marshall April 21, 1865(Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

23. William Allen, Pvt. Negro Co. A VA (?) appears on a register of Jackson Hospital, Richmond, Virginia. Aug. 5, 1865. Turned over to Provt. Marshall Aug. 12, 1865. Returned to duty ( Do Not understand the dates????)(Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

It appears that J. W. Satterwhite was not a member of a Confederate service but a civilan undertaker or doctor. All of these names came from one source, J. W. Sattterwhite-- Confederate Papers Relating to Citizens or Business Firms, 1861-65.

For the burying of the following Negroes who died at the African Hospital, Va. at $10.00 each.

24. Apr. 15 -- Braxton -- Slave of Mrs. Perkins
25. Apr. 22 -- Henry
26. Jun. 7 -- Sam
27. Jun. 8 -- Albert and John
28. Jun. 9 -- William (free)
29. Jun. 12 -- Henry and William
30. Jun. 13 -- Gilmore
31. Jun. 14 -- Griffin and Willis
32. July 9 -- Jack
33. July 10 -- Ranson
34. Aug. 1 -- William
Approved A. L. Rivis
Acting Chf. Eng. Bu.

I certify the above account is correct and just, and these Negroes died from disease contacted whilst in the service of this government.

John B. Stanard
Eng. In Charge of Defenses

Received at Richmond this 14 day of August 1862 from Capt A.L. Rivis, acting Chf. Eng Bu. the sum of $140.00 in full payment of the above account.

J. W. Satterwhite

The Confederate States to J. W, Satterwhite

1862 Designation Application
35. Aug. 3 Coffin Burial of slave Stephen owned by J. Pollard
36. Sept 14 " " " " Fredrick owned by M. Alexander

I certify the above account is correct and just
John B. Stanard, 1st Lt. Engineers

Received at Richmond this 25 day of November , 1862. The sum of $28.00
J. W. Satterwhite
The Confederate States to J. W, Satterwhite
1862 Application Cost
The defenses of Richmond and Newbury Isd(?)

The furnishing of coffin graves & hearse for Negroes.

37. March 14 Name unknown $10.00
38. 15 Charles $10.00
39. 15 unknown $10.00
40. 21 Hosea Valentine $10.00
41. 28 Thomas $10.00

John B. Stanard
Eng. In Charge of Richmond Defen.

I certify the above account is correct and just,
A.L. Rivis, Acting Chief Eng. Bur.

Received at Richmond this 22nd day of May 1862, from A. L. Rivis, Actn. Chf. Eng. Bur. The sum of $50.00.
J. W, Satterwhite

. Even though this card does not specify Negroes it is preceded by a card stating for the burial of 3 Negroes.

The Confederate States, Appropriation for Engineering Service
1863 To J. W. Satterwhite
42. Aug.3--- To Burial J. Logan Rockbridge $10.00
43. 7 -- To Burial Alfred Douglas Mechanburg $10.00
44. 18 -- G.(?) Key Lynchburg $10. 00

Employed as laborers on Public defences at & near Richmond

I certify the above account is correct and just, accounting to 5 ???????
W. G. Turpin(?)
Received at Richmond this 11 day of Sept. 1863 from Lt. Stanard the sum of $30.00
J. W. Satterwhite

The Confederate States Appropriation for Engineer Service. To J. W. Satterwhite

45. May 1 -- Coffin Burial -- Dick, B Bribe, Franklin
46. " 4 -- " " -- Isaiah , Mr. Mapkin Nelson
47. " 9 -- " " -- Anderson , Jno . Queenshop(?), P. Edmond
48." 10 -- " " --- Anthony, Mrs. S. Martin, Buford


Received at Richmond this day 1 of June 1864 from Capt. J. B. Stanard CS Engr. the sum of Eighty eight dollars.
In full payment for the above account.

J. W. Satterwhite

The Confederate States to J. W, Satterwhite

1864 The burying of the following Negroes
49. June 19 --- Burial of Parker J. Hicks $22.00
50. July 3 ---- " David W. Wallace $22.00
51. July 11 --- " of Zeb W. Powers $22.00
52. July 19 --- " of Charles N. F. Bowe $22.00

Received at Richmond this 11th day of August 1864
Capt Stanard The sum of $88.00.
J. W, Satterwhite

53. Un-named. Reported as colored man with Nicholas McGinnis

54-56 Un-named. Three blacks crossing the Potomac River.

57. Sam Harris, Free Negro of Richmond. Name appears on a receipt as being arrested for deserting "the batteries" Sept. 15, 1864.

58 - 65. The Daily Dispatch: July 12, 1861.

Candidates for work.

--In pursuance of authority vested in him by the Convention of Virginia and Council of this city, the Mayor yesterday "impressed" into the public service the following free men of color, viz: Bartlet Clarke, Josh Banks, Warren Richards, Jim Roberts, Tom Freeman, Eli Megent, Beverley Hogg and Bill Fields. They were put into the cage until this morning, when they will be set to work on some of the projected fortifications around the city.

(The Daily Dispatch: July 12, 1861. Richmond Dispatch. 4 pages. by Cowardin & Hammersley. Richmond. July 12, 1861. Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mi : Proquest. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. Submitted by David Upton)

66. Fk. Bannister-- F. M. C. 4 cards found. Boatman. See manuscript 6109. Narrows, new River, and Central Depot, Virginia. Receipt for clothing, Dec. 31, 1864. Manuscript 5669, Jan. 1865. Manuscript 5526, 4th qtr. of 1863. Manuscript 5450, Giles Courthouse, Va. Qtr ending March 31, 1863.

67. J. William Bannister--- Free Negro carpenter. Appears on a muster roll of employees (Free Negros) in the Q.M.D. at Dublin Va. for Nov. and Dec. 1864. Enlisted Oct. 1, 1864 at Newbern, Va. by E. B. Pool for the war. Last card dated Jan. Feb. 1865. Manuscript 5364. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records, CSR)

68. J. W. Bannister -- Carpenter. Free Negro. Appears on a receipt for clothing Dec. 1, 1863, May 1, 1864. (For reason of enlistment dates, I believe this is a different man than the above). Receipt for clothing Nov. & Dec., 1864 (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

69. Jason Bailey -- Laborer (Free). See manuscript 3576. March 1864. Nitre beds. Richmond, Va.
(Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

70. Alexander -- Slave. Teamster. A.N.V. appears on a receipt roll for pay. Oct. 1864 for a period of June 30. To Sept. 30. Signature S. Danridge. Witness Everand Meady. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

71. Isaac Banister-- Negro Employee (free). See manuscript 6460. Q.M. Dept. Lexington, Va. Qr. ending Dec. 31, 1864.

72. William -- S. T. Bailey Owner. Slave laborer. See manuscript 6540 page 2. Employed at Richmond during April 1864, May of 1864-- manuscript 4152. 4154

73. Bettie-- Samuel Bailey Owner. Slave Laborer cook, See manuscript 6540 page 2. Employed at Richmond during April 1864, January 1864, manuscript 5659. February 1864, 5660 Nov. 1864.

74. John Burke -- Teamster. Slave -- T. J. Bagby owner. See manuscript 5912. June 1864. Richmond. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

75. Edmund Temple -- Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 5912. June 1864. Richmond. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

76. Lewis Madison -- Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 5912. June 1864. Richmond. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

77. Richard Wood -- Train hand. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 5912. June 1864. Richmond. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

78. Jeff Ellis -- Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 5912. June 1864. Richmond. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

79. Emmily -- Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 6065. 4th qtr 1864. Jackson Hosp. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

80. Betsey -- Nurse. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. 4th Qtr. 1864 Jackson Hosp. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

81. Leney(?) -- Nurse. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. 4th Qtr. 1864 Jackson Hosp. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

82. Addlilene (?)-- Nurse. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. 4th Qtr. 1864 Jackson Hosp. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

83. Burr(?) -- Nurse. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. 4th Qtr. 1864 Jackson Hosp. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

84. Martha -- Laundress. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. 4th Qtr. 1864 Jackson Hosp. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

85. Sarah -- Laundress. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. 4th Qtr. 1864 Jackson Hosp. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

86. Sam -- Helper. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 5912. June 1864. Richmond. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

87. Cornelius -- Helper. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 5912. June 1864. Richmond. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

88. Albert -- Blacksmith. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 5912. June 1864. Richmond. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

89. Card is only listed as T.J. Bagby with no name . See manuscript 6039, Apr. '63

90. Walker -- Wood train hand. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 5912. June 1864. Richmond. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

91. Lowdon -- Laborer headquarters. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 5655, 5657, 5660. Dec. 1863 Richmond, Va. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

92. London -- Laborer. Slave. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 5202, 5203, 5719, 4154. Richmond Dec. 1864(Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

93. Patrick -- Laborer. Owner T. J. Bagby. See manuscript 4735, June 1863. At slaughter house.

94. Sam Harris -- Slave. Laborer. See Manuscript 5453 Q.M. Dept. Lynchburg, Va. Aug. 1864.
(Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

95. Charles Page-- Cook, Co. E. 32nd Va. Enlisted Sept. 26, 1864 for the war. never paid. Present on roster dated Oct. 31, 1864.

96. John Salling -- Nitre Bureau -- See Discussion forum.

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