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Alabama Pensions Page 2

Ist Alabama

1. Negro-- 1st Alabama. Appears on a register of the U.S.A. Hospital Steamer Empress.
Complaint -- Pneumonia
Admitted April 23, 1862
Sent to G. H. St. Louis, Mo. April 26, 1862,
Remarks: Pris. Of War
2nd trip from New Madrid and Island No. 10 (Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama)

4th Alabama
1. Abraham --Slave. Co. E. Name appears on a register of Officers and Soldiers of the Army of The Confederate States , who were killed in battle, or who died of wounds or disease.
Effects: Sundries
In Whose Charge: In ch. surg.
When received: June 26, 1863
Number of Certificate: 181
(Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records.)

6th Alabama Infantry
1. Floyd Lamar A.K.A. as A. D. Mitchell. Servant to Lt. Mirabeau Dent Lamar. Cannot find a CSR on a Lt. M. D. Lamar. Unit assignment is by documentation found at

As mentioned Pvt. C. G. Lamar is found serving in the 6th Alabama, Co. G.

12th Alabama Infantry
1. Abe Goodgame -- POW. Documentation "Black Confederates" Charles K. Barrow p. 24-25. Slave of Col. John Chapman Goodgame,

15th Alabama--

1. Nury -- Negro. Co. B. Servant of Lt. Ellison. Appears on a register of C.S.A. General Hospital, Charlottesville, Va.
Complaint-- Typhoid Fever
Admitted -- April 18, 1862
Died -- April 21, 1862
(Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama.)

57th Alabama
1. Jerry-- Slave, Drummer. Enlisted June 9, 1863, Mobile Ala.
Discharged, final statement given. (Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama)

2. Dave -- Slave. F&S Fifer. Cards filed with Amarine, Dave. -- Slave of Col, John P.W. Amarine. Enlisted Mobile , Ala. June 9, 1863. Roll card of Sept. - Oct. Present
(Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama)

Alabama Engineers
1. Allen Martin-- Jan. Feb. March. 1864, Eng service at Mobile. May also be Allen Martin in North Carolina? (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

2. Moses Billingslee-- Slave. From a note paper filed under Moses (Negro Boy) Co. I, 41st Mississippi. Employed as a laborer in the Engr. Service, Ala. at Mobile Ala. from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31, 1864. (Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Mississippi)

3. Frank Johnson --Slave. Laborer. See manuscript 6389. Jan. Feb. March, 1864. Engr. Service. At Mobile. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

4. Madison Boyd -- Slave. Laborer. See manuscript 6379. Jan. 1- March 31, 1864. Engr. Serv. Mobile (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

5. Scott, Dudley-- Slave. See manuscript 6374. May - Sept. 1864 Engineer Service. Mobile, Ala. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

6. Sam Griffin -- Slave. Laborer. See manuscript 6375. June - Sept 1864. Engineer service. Mobile Ala. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

Fire Co. Number 1, Mobile Ala.
1. F. Andre -- Colored Creole. No other notes (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

Unknown unit or service

1. Jim Jones -- Slave Laborer. See Manuscript 6411. July, Aug., Sept. 1863. April, May and June 1864. Manuscript 6414. May - Sept 1864 Engineer Service, Mobile Ala. See manuscript 6734. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

2. Jim Jones -- Slave. Blacksmith. See manuscript 6310. Aug. 1864, Mobile. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

3. Ben Cooper -- Slave. Laborer, See manuscript 6413. Laborer Mobile, Dec. 1863-March 1864. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

Anders or Andrews Green Slave owner. See manuscript 4583.
These slaves are all listed on one card. All are listed as slaves. From the jobs listed this may be a hospital staff.
1. Berry -- Nurse
2. Fanny -- Laundress
3. Joe --Nurse
4. Riney -- Laundress
5. Carroll -- Nurse
6. Harriett -- Cook
7. Ben -- Cook
8. Watson -- Nurse
9. Lanford -- Nurse
10. Jennie -- Laundress
11. Jennette --Laundress
12. Bettie -- Cook
13. Sallie -- Cook
14. Rachael --Nurse
15. Charlie -- Nurse
16. Jim -- Nurse
17. Abe---Nurse

Feb. 1864, Marion Alabama. (Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records)

34 total 11/11/11